Lieder der Goethezeit für Gesang und Harfe
Einleitende Informationen zum Musikinstrument Harfe
The harp in the Goethezeit

Josef Anton Muxel (1786-1842): Die Heilige Cäcilia. Neuss, Clemens-Sels-Museum.
Three different kinds of harps existed during the Goethezeit (1770-1830). It is important to know their features in order to be able to understand the repertoire that was composed for them.
The hook-harp or Hakenharfe and the single-action harp or Pedalharfe were present in the German-speaking countries for many decades. The double-action harp or Doppelpedalharfe was invented in 1811 and started being used in Germany at the very end of the Goethezeit.
The present chapter is divided in three sections, each one of them is dedicated to a different kind of harp. Pictures and photographies are included to help to understand the content.

Jean-Jacques Caffiéri (1725-1792): Entwürfe für eine reich dekorierte Pedalharfe, die für Marie-Antoinette um 1770 angefertigt werden sollte. Quelle: 200 französische Meister-Zeichnungen 1530 bis 1830. Ausstellungskatalog. Berlin 1972, Nr. 157.
Jean-Jacques Caffiéri (1725-1792): Outline for a richly decorated single-action harp to be made for queen Marie-Antoinette. Source: 200 französische Meister-Zeichnungen 1530 bis 1830. Exposition catalogue. Berlin 1972, No. 157